OAW Weekly Business Update – 22 February 2023
Welcome back to our Weekly Newsletter. Read on for the latest updates, news and tips from the week.
What to do if you can no longer afford your mortgage
As rates continue to rise, many Australians find themselves unable to make payments on their home. Learn what to do if your mortgage payment obligations are becoming impossible to meet.
Woolworths expands controversial surveillance tool
Woolworths is expanding the rollout of a controversial AI technology that helps reduce missed scans at self-serve checkouts at more stores in NSW, Victoria and Queensland.
Changes coming to superannuation rules
Treasurer Jim Chalmers is proposing an “end to the super wars” with a new law that would see an end to early access to funds.
Chinese airlines flying through Russia have an unfair advantage
Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine nearly a year ago, European, Canadian, and U.S. airlines have avoided Russian airspace, making long-haul routes take longer and cost more. As China reopens and flies directly through Russia, other international airlines say they have a leg up.
No more SMS two-factor authentication on Twitter unless you pay
Twitter warned non-Twitter Blue users using SMS 2FA authentication that they have 30 days to switch to another 2FA method. Find out how to keep your account secure here.
Everyone’s scrambling to get on board with AI
With the release of ChatGPT in November, it seems that everyone’s talking about the potential of AI. Everyone from students to CEOs is trying to keep up as we figure out how this new technology fits into our lives.
Meta follows in the footsteps of Twitter
Mark Zuckerberg announced that Meta is launching a pay-for-verification subscription service called Meta Verified for Facebook and Instagram, much like Twitter Blue. The launch begins in Australia and New Zealand this week, with more countries to follow.
Bitcoin is booming, but why?
Everyone’s watching as Bitcoin continues to make steady gains in 2023. But will it climb back to $20K? Forbes has some ideas about why the price of crypto is suddenly climbing again.
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